About us

Our goal

Our goal is to provide you with an honest and accurate description of the most popular England online dating clubs. We achieve this by writing reviews, collecting honest impressions and experiences on various websites, offering advice and information on the latest dating sites and news about them. What do we want to achieve? To be fully informed before deciding which page you want to register on.

What do we do?

We register, subscribe, use the page and create a review of each page listed on our rankings. We also work closely with the dating companies themselves to try to gather data on price and terms of use. This information is generally not available, unless you personally go through the entire registration and use process!

Based on the success of the following factors:

1. Features

2. Credibility

3. Security

4. Usability

5. Help and support

We rank the pages according to their average score from 1 to 10. We are stronger as a community, and we can use this collective knowledge to make the best decisions for us as individuals.

What are we not doing?

Despite all the efforts we have put into this project, we cannot guarantee that if you follow our recommendations you will find exactly what you are looking for. Finding the right partner or friend depends on a variety of factors that most of us can’t control. We offer advice, recommendations and help. We don’t offer solutions, guys and girls!

We wish you happy and safe company!

The naughty people club
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